本週屬靈操練 (4-1-2007)


精典詩歌欣賞——  神阿,你名何等廣大泱漭

一 『神阿,你名何等廣大泱漭!我今投身其中,心頂安然; 有你夠了,無論日有多長;有你夠了,無論夜有多暗。』

二 『有你夠了,無論事多紛繁;有你夠了,無論境多寂寞; 有你,我就已經能夠盡歡,有你,我就已經能夠唱歌。』

三 『你是我神!全有!全足!全豐!你能為我創造我所缺乏; 有你自己,在我回家途中,無論有何需要,都必無差。』

四 『我的神阿,你在已過路上,曾用愛的神基多方眷顧; 故我敢再投入你的胸膛,因信心安,讚美你的道路。』


1  Deep down into the depths of this Thy name,   My God, I sink and dwell in calm delight;

Thou art enough however long the day, Thou art enough however dark the night.

2  Thou art enough, however great the trial, Thou art enough, however lone the scene;

With Thee alone, there's fulness of Thy joy,  With Thee alone, there's singing of Thy song.

3  Thou art my God - the All-Sufficient One, Thou canst create for me whate'er I lack;

Thy might Hand has strewn the homeward track,  With miracles of love and tender care.

4  For me Thy trusting one, my God I dare Once more to fly myself upon Thy breast,

And there adore Thy ways in faith's deep rest, And there adore Thy ways in faith's quiet rest.


這首詩歌是和受恩姊妹所寫的首詩很深、很柔細、也很富。從這首所寫的詩歌,我們可以看見她是深深的生根在基督里,與主有親密的交通創世記十七章一節,神對亞伯拉罕說:「我是全能的神,你要在我面前完全「全能的神」原文是「伊勒沙代」(El Shaddai);「伊勒」的意思是全能,「沙代」則是完全的供應和安慰 ,意即有母親胸奶的神。故全名直譯應為 「全豐、全足、全有的神」。第一節英文歌詞的意思是,“深深的進入你的名里"。不管我們目前的光景如何,只管來到祂面前,只要能夠投身在神那「全有、全足、全豐」的名裏,就叫我們心中安然自在。有神與我們同在,夠了,夠了,頂夠了。即使環境上有許多的事物叫我們煩心,叫我們忙亂,但是有主就夠了

詩歌介紹請參考——  神阿,你名何等廣大泱漭




 讀經請參考—— 中文和合本聖經查詢系統  http://springbible.fhl.net


路加福音 主要的話──耶穌基督是人                        




     四月一日  3762            十字架與榮耀

     四月二日  120              擴充傳道的工作

     四月三日  2137            擴充傳道的工作

     四月四日  38至十一13     在家與祈禱時

     四月五日  十一1432         加增反對

     四月六日  十一3354         加增反對

     四月七日  十二121           加增反對


















 摘自 讓我們學習這樣的禱告













作者:慕安得烈 (Andrew Murray) 


"As new-born babes, long for the spiritual milk that is without guile, that ye may grow thereby unto salvation" -- 1 Peter 2:2

Beloved young Christians, hear what your Father has to say in this word. You have just recently given yourselves to the Lord, and have believed that He has received you. You have thus received the new life from God. you are now as new-born infants: He would teach you in this word what is necessary that you may grow and wax strong.

The first point is: you must know that you are God's children. Hear how distinctly Peter says this to those just converted: (1 Pet. 1:23; 2:2,10,25) `You have been born again,' `you are new-born infants,' `you are now converted,' `you are now the people of God.' A Christian, however young and weak he is, must know that he is God's child. Then only can he have the courage to believe that he shall make progress, and the boldness to use the food of the children provided in the word. All Scripture teaches us that we must know and can know that we are children of God. (Rom 8:16; 1 Cor. 3:1,16; Gal. 4:6,7; 1 John 3:2,14,24; 4:13, 5:10,13) The assurance of faith is indispensable to a healthy powerful growth in the Lord. (Eph. 5:8; Col. 2:6; 1 Pet. 1:14,19)

The second point which this word teaches you is: you are still very weak, weak as new-bon children. The joy and the love which a young convert sometimes experiences do indeed make him think that he is very strong. He runs the risk of exalting himself, and of trusting in what he experiences. He must nevertheless learn much of how he must become strong in his Lord Jesus. Endeavour to feel deeply that you are still young and weak. (1 Cor. 3:1,13; Heb. 5:13,14) Out of this sense of weakness comes the humility which has nothing (Matt. 5:3; Rom 12:3,10; Eph. 4:2; Phil. 2:3,4; Col. 3: 12) in itself, and therefore expects all from its Lord. (Matt. 8:8,15,27,28)

The third lesson is: the young Christian must not remain weak; he must grow and increase in grace; he must make progress and become strong. God lays it upon us as a command. His word gives us concerning this point the most glorious promises. It lies in the nature of the thing: a child of God must and can make progress. The new life is a life that is healthy and strong: when a disciple surrenders himself to it, the growth certainly comes. (Judg. 5:31; Ps. 84:8, 92:13,14; Prov. 4:18; Isa. 40:31; Eph. 4:14; 1 Thess. 4:1; 2 Pet. 3:18)

The fourth and principal lesson, the lesson which young disciples of Christ have most need of is: it is through the milk of the word that God's new-born infants can grow. The new life from the Spirit of God can be sustained only by the word from the mouth of God. Your life, my young brother, will largely depend on whether you learn to deal wisely and well with God's word, or whether you learn to use the word from the beginning as your milk. (Ps. 19:8,11; 119:97,100; Isa. 55: 2,3; 1 Cor. 12:11)

See what a charming parable the Lord has given us here in the mother's milk. Out of her own life does the mother yield food and life to her child. The feeding of the child is the work of the tenderest love, in which the child is pressed to the breast, and is held in the closest fellowship with the mother. And the milk is just what the weak child requires, food gentle and yet strong.

Even so is there in the word of God the very life and power of God. (John 6:63; 1 Thess. 2:13; Heb. 4:12) His tender love will through the word receive us into the gentlest and most intimate fellowship with Himself. (John 10:4) His love will give us out of the word what is, like warm soft milk, just fitted for our weakness. Let no one suppose that the word is too high or too hard for him. For the disciple who receives the word, and trustfully relies on Jesus to teach him by the Spirit, the word of God shall practically prove to be gentle sweet milk for new-born infants. (Ps 119:18; John 14:26; Eph. 1:17-18)

Dear young Christian, would you continue standing, would you become strong, would you always live for the Lord? Then hear this day the voice of your Father: `As new-born babes, long for the spiritual milk that is without guile.' Receive this word into your heart and hold it fast as the voice of your Father: on your use of the word of God will your spiritual life depend. Let the word of God be precious to you above everything. (Ps 19:14,47,48,111,127)

Above all, forget not this: the word is the milk; the sucking or drinking on the part of the little child is the inner, living, blessed fellowship with the mother's love. Through the Holy Spirit your use of the milk of the word can become warm, living fellowship with the Living Love of your God. O long then very eagerly for the milk. Do not take the word as something that is hard and troublesome to understand: in that way you lose all delight in it. Receive it with trust in the love of the living God. With a tender motherly love will the Spirit of God teach and help you in your weakness. Believe always that the Spirit will make the word in you life and joy, a blessed fellowship with your God.

Precious Saviour, Thou hast taught me to believe Thy word, and Thou hast made me by that faith a child of God. Through that word, as the milk of the new-born babes, wilt Thou also feed me. Lord, for this milk shall I be very eager: every day will I long after it. Teach me, through the Holy Spirit and the word, to walk and hold converse every day in living fellowship with the love of the Father. Teach me always to believe that the Spirit has been given me with the word. Amen.


屬靈書籍推薦—— 新生命   


見與聞 ──福音的火焰 連載(六)


第七章   一個假期     

第八章   門如何打開

第七章 一個假期

在一八八七年的六月, 我有十天的假期, 和一位朋友帶足了單張去鄉村布道. 我們定意要逐家分送單張. 一有机會即開始傳福音. 在一個地方遇見了一位農夫, 問他借了一所倉房作聚會之用. 他回答說, 我們的牧師必定喜歡你們到禮拜堂去. 我們正在談話時, 那牧師來了. 農夫將我們的來意述說給牧師听. 牧師說: 『這或許是神的旨意, 因我要去但低講道, 你們可以在這里講.』 我們就一連講了四天, 禮拜堂每次都坐滿了人, 有多人受感動, 也有得救的. 當初因我穿的衣服不太上流, 听眾有些异樣的感覺. 但等我講了一會儿之后, 他們不再注意講的人, 而留心于講的道了. 在得救的人中, 有一位是郵政局局長, 還有一位是銀行里的行員, 他們很清楚得了重生, 成了很熱誠的基督徒. 此后我們到了百畏傳主的福音, 結果有一位青年得了救. 他成了一位少年人中最熱誠敬虔的人. 假期滿了, 我們很快樂的回海米登去, 這可以說是我出外布道得第一步.

第八章 門如何打開

我們回家后, 到了七月底, 有一位弟兄從倫敦到我們這里來. 因為我們都很喜歡救罪人之故, 我們就成了極要好的朋友. 他听見我告訴他假期中主所作的工作, 他也就定意要去百畏給那里的人傳福音. 他帶了二三位剛信主的弟兄, 租了一所公廳, 預備在那里有兩星期的聚會. 但是忽然听見他父親病了, 要他立刻回家. 因此他就寫信請我去代替他領會. 我就去了. 聚會將完時, 看見有許多人渴慕主道, 得救的人也不少, 很明顯的聚會不能就此停下來. 于是再繼續下去一共有九個星期之久. 后來我們回海米登將主在百畏所行的事告訴弟兄們, 大家都非常喜樂贊美神的大救恩.

當我在百畏傳福音時, 有一位從亞波阿來的信徒, 因看見神在百畏所作的恩典的工作, 定意要我到亞波阿去. 但那時我切想回海米登去, 所以沒有答應. 他一知道我已回去, 他就一面寫信, 一面打電報,連連的催我去. 在海米登的弟兄們也勸我用几個星期去亞波阿傳福音. 我也就此答應了. 決定去亞波阿講福音直到年底. 其實在那里的工作, 一直到了開年的四月. 我們看見神的恩典在那里大大的得胜. 無論在室內室外所聚的會, 都有很多的人來听, 得救的人數天天加增. 在當地有一位老年的傳道士說: 『自有亞波阿歷史以來, 這一天是最大的复興.』

我要證明給你們看露天布道的价值. 這一次有兩位青年, 就是在露天布道會里得救的. 后來他們作了主極美好的工人. 直到今天, 他們還是傳福音最能得果子的人. 那時請我去傳道的人很多. 傳道的門也開得很廣. 我也就證實了神得旨意要我專心以傳福音為事. 我回家告知我的親友們, 并辭退礦中的職務. 我對掌管礦務的人說: 『我要長久出去傳福音.』 (我在他手下作工有十九年之久) 他很溫柔的回答我說: 『好的, 你可以隨便, 你什么時候回來, 只要我在, 你總有工可作.』
