¢w ¡]Robert C. Chapman (1803-1902) ¡^

Robert Chapman is not well
known. He did not author any monumental books. When he began to minister
friends said he would never make a good preacher. Chapman was not a world-wide
evangelist. He lead no great mission to foreign lands; rather he labored for
70 years in a small town in a remote corner of England. Yet he became a living
legend. As a young man, Winston Churchill was taken to visit him. Charles
Spurgeon called him: "the saintliest man I ever knew." Robert Cleaver Chapman
is important because of the life he lived. He said: "My business is to love
others and not to seek that others shall love me." When they said he would
never make a great preacher, Chapman replied: "There are many who preach
Christ, but not so many who live Christ; my great aim will be to live
Christ." John Nelson Darby said of Robert Chapman: "He lives what I teach." On
another occasion Darby said: "We talk of the heavenlies, but Robert Chapman
lives in them." A biographer wrote: "What then made Chapman so beloved and
effective in his time? Quite simply, his utter devotion to Christ and his
determination to live Christ." (Peterson, p. 15) Let us look at his
Birth and Background
Robert C. Chapman was born on
January 4, 1803, the 6th of 10 children born to Thomas & Ann Chapman. He was
born in Helsingor, Denmark, where his father ran a prosperous import-export
business. It seems that the family practiced nothing beyond the usual
religious observances. As a boy he displayed the virtues of enthusiasm and
diligence in his pursuits. His mother said of him "Robert always has a
passion, whether literature or the flute, and whatever he takes up, he pursues
diligently." Chapman also displayed linguistic abilities in English, Danish &
French, languages spoken in the home; he became proficient in German and
Italian. After his conversion he studied Hebrew and Greek so he could study
the Scriptures in the original languages. To pursue missionary work he studied
Spanish and Portugese until he attained fluency.
During Robert¡¦s childhood the
Napoleonic wars between France, Denmark etc. and Britain adversely affected
the Chapman business in Denmark. The Chapman family returned to Yorkshire, NE
England. There Robert Chapman completed his formal education.
Robert Chapman left home at age
15 to begin a 5-year legal apprenticeship in London. While in London, Robert
probably stayed with relatives. He lead an active social life in the large
city. Meanwhile there were signs of spiritual awakening - at age 16, he began
to read the Bible. Later Chapman described his condition at that time as:
"Sick was I of the world, hating it as vexation of spirit, while yet I was
unable and unwilling to cast it out." (Peterson, p. 21)
After his 5-year apprenticeship,
Chapman became an attorney. Three years later, at the age of 23, he inherited
a small fortune and set up his own law practice, which began to prosper. His
future looked bright. However, a few years earlier an event happened which was
to change the course of Chapman¡¦s life.
When Chapman was 20 years old he
was brought to salvation by James Harington Evans. Evans had been an ordained
minister in the Anglican Church, but resigned due to his Scriptural views. He
began to preach at the John Street Chapel, a congregation not affiliated with
any denomination.
A lawyer invited Robert Chapman
the John Street Chapel. Evans preached justification by faith based on the
redemption of Jesus Christ. Robert Chapman accepted Christ. Once saved Chapman
studied his Bible with renewed interest. Following the pattern he read,
Chapman desired to be baptized immediately. Evans advised him to wait, saying
: "You will wait a while and consider the matter." "No" said Chapman, "I will
make haste, and delay not, to keep His commandments" (Pickering p. 69).
Chapman insisted on following the Lord¡¦s charge as soon as possible. Evans
agreed; Robert Chapman was baptized a few days after accepting Christ.
Testifying and Bearing Fruit
The new believer began to
witness to friends and family. Later he wrote: "I became on offence to those I
forsook, even those of my own flesh and blood" (Peterson, p. 26) Not all took
his testimony as a ¡¦savor of death¡¦; to some it was a ¡¥savor unto life¡¦. One
cousin and her husband were drawn on hearing Robert¡¦s experience. Chapman¡¦s
cousin, Susan had married a wealthy lawyer, Thomas Pugsley and lived in Devon,
SW England. The couple traveled to London to hear more; they studied the Bible
with Robert. The Pugsley¡¦s accepted Christ. Chapman also began to visit and
preach among the poor who lived in the neighborhood.
Having led him to Christ, Evans
spent considerable time with Robert Chapman. Later Evans said concerning
Chapman "He is one of my stars. I hold him to be one of the first men of the
age. He has no ebbs or flows. ... he is ... ready for anything- everything -
it matters not what." In his pursuit of Christ, Chapman displayed both
stability (¡¥no ebbs or flows¡¦) and eagerness (¡¥ready for anything¡¦). Evans
encouraged the young believer to speak for the Lord.
'My Great Aim'
After his first efforts to
minister, some friends remarked that Robert would never make a good preacher.
Chapman¡¦s reply was to characterize his life. He said: "There are many who
preach Christ, but not so many who live Christ; my great aim will be to
live Christ (Phil. 1:21)" If Romans 1:17, ¡¥The just shall live by faith¡¦
is Luther¡¦s verse, then this Scripture - Philippians 1:21, ¡¥...for to me to
live is Christ¡¦ is Robert Chapman¡¦s verse.
Work in Devon, England
Chapman¡¦s relative, Susan and
her husband, Thomas observed Chapman¡¦s gospel labor among the poor in London.
On returning to Devon, they began a similar work at the workhouses for the
poor. Their service grew and soon Thomas Pugsley gave up his profession to
serve the Lord in the area. The following year the Pugsleys met an
enthusiastic young German believer named George Mueller whom they invited to
In the Summer of 1831, the
Pugsley¡¦s invited Robert Chapman to vacation with them and help with the
evangelistic work. Chapman preached at the cottage meetings and found the
labor exhilarating.
After his visit Chapman received
an invitation to become pastor of Ebenezer Chapel - a congregation of
"Particular Baptists"in Barnstaple, Devon. He felt this was the Lord¡¦s leading
and accepted if he could preach whatever he found in the Bible. In April 1832,
Chapman left his successful law practice in London, gave away his personal
fortune (keeping only enough to purchase a house) and moved to Barnstaple.
Chapman ministered according to the Scriptures and was not confined to
denominational practices . This lead the congregation away from its Baptist
principles. The local Baptist "Book of Remembrance" records that
Chapman¡¦s "settlement eventually introduced a new order of things which
separated the church from the [Baptist] Association and the [Baptist] body at
large." (Rowdon, p. 145) Soon the Barnstaple congregation was associated with
the growing number of "assemblies" - gatherings of believers who forsook all
designations to meet as brothers gathered in the Lord¡¦s name.
In that same year, August 1832
in the nearby city of Bristol, George Mueller began to meet with six others
"at Bethesda Chapel, Mr Mueller, Mr Craik, one other brother, and four sisters
(only seven in all) sat down together, uniting in church fellowship, without
any rules, desiring to act only as the Lord should be pleased to give light
through His Word." (Pickering p. 70).
In 1832 Barnstaple was a small,
bustling market town of several thousand people. With a seaport on the Bristol
channel it was an active center of trade in agricultural products. The town
boasted a hospital, prison, newspaper, 2 or 3 hotels and a multitude of bars.
Although there were people of considerable wealth, a great number lived in
poverty. Alcohol was a great evil; there were eighty licenced houses "pubs"
which could open 24/7- 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Other beer houses
were even more numerous. It was the kind of town described by Charles Dickens.
Hospitality House
Robert Chapman wanted a home
that could be a place of rest and encouragement for discouraged and tired
Christian workers. For this purpose Chapman bought a row-house at #6 New
Buildings Street. Chapman lived at that address for the next 70 years (he
never married). Many Christian workers stayed there for short or long periods,
while Chapman ministered to their spiritual and physical needs. He cleaned and
shined their shoes nightly, shared a Bible verse each morning and ministered
at meals. He conducted this as a work of faith - depending on the Lord for
funds to cover the expenses of the Lord¡¦s servants who took hospitality there.
Later the adjoining house, #8 was purchased for additional hospitality.
Chapman visited from door to
door, contacted individuals on the street, preached the gospel in the open air
at the town square and in the surrounding villages. On occasion he teamed up
with Thomas Pugsley & Robert Gribble (an effective evangelist).
The Lord¡¦s Table
Chapman brought in the weekly
celebration of the Lord¡¦s Supper. All believers were encouraged to
participate. They denied the clergy - laity system and practiced the
priesthood of all believers. Among the early brethren, the Lord¡¦s Table
meeting was the focal point of their church-life.
Chapman stressed the importance
of believer¡¦s baptism. However, he did not make baptism a requirement for
church membership nor for participation in the Lord¡¦s Supper (in contrast to
the Particular Baptists). He taught what he saw as the biblical view on this
matter with patience. He said later: "We waited in patience for fulness of
unity of judgment ... What we now enjoy here of mutual love and the Spirit¡¦s
unity would never have been our portion had any other course been taken."
Robert Chapman felt that not
enough hymns lead one through the cross of Christ to God Himself. He set out
to develop a new collection of such hymns. By 1837 he had written enough to
publish a new hymn-book. Our Hymn book has only one: #297 (see below)
Chapman was opposed to
denominational distinctions. All believers in denominations were "Christian
brethren" to him. In Choice Sayings, a compilation of Robert
Chapman¡¦s quotes, we read: "The titles given to the Church in Scripture
bespeak heavenly unity, such as the body, the vine, the temple of God, a holy
nation, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. Such words set forth the
Church of God as a witness for Him in the world; but the names which have been
invented by men are names of sects, and declare our shame."
Increase & Fruit
Attracted by Chapman¡¦s emphasis
on the Bible and the example of his Christian life, new people began meeting
at Ebenezer Chapel. William Bowden, aged 20 was saved through Chapman. Another
young brother, George Beer, also about 20 was an uneducated man having been
apprenticed to a farmer as a boy. Chapman encouraged both brothers to
participate in the open air preaching. Bowden and Beer worked together,
preaching the gospel and evangelizing the surrounding villages. When Anthony
Norris Groves returned from India to seek more workers for the gospel. Chapman
encouraged Bowden & Beer, together with their wives to join Groves¡¦ labor.
They settled in the Godavari Delta of India and began a strong Christian work.
Relinquishing the Hall
In 1838 a group of Particular
Baptists, who had left Ebenezer Chapel, demanded that Chapman¡¦s group vacate
the building because they were not using it in accordance with the original
intention of the Particular Baptists. Robert Chapman examined the original
trust document and found that no provisions were being violated. The opposing
group persisted in their demand. Although Chapman was a trained lawyer, he did
not stand on his legal rights, but sought to live Christ. After prayer and
fellowship, Chapman¡¦s group handed over the title deed, giving up their
building - their legal claim- to the group of dissidents. Chapman saw this
action as equivalent to giving up one¡¦s coat to someone who demands it.
About 1840 a site became
available for an assembly hall. The lot was purchased and construction of Bear
Street Chapel (later called Grosvenor St. Chapel) was completed by 1842. It
could seat 450 people. In 1851 300 people attended Lord¡¦s Day morning, plus
100 children in the Sunday School. The Lord¡¦s table meeting in the evening was
attended by 150. By 1870, Chapman preached regularly to 700 people every
Lord¡¦s day. Since Barnstaple was a small town, a gathering of that size
represents a significant percentage of the population. At the end of Chapman¡¦s
life there were eighty assemblies in the towns and villages surrounding
Missions to Spain, Portugal &
Although Robert Chapman labored
for the Lord in a small town in rural England, his view of the Lord¡¦s interest
extended far beyond the borders of England.
Travels to Spain & Portugal
Both countries were strongholds
of corrupt Roman Catholicism. Evangelicals were persecuted. Chapman was
burdened for these countries and studied their languages until he was fluent.
He took several walking trips through these countries carrying smuggled Bibles
and engaging individuals in conversation with a view to the gospel. Later he
lead several families to migrate from England to Spain for the gospel and
returned to strengthen and encourage them.
Long Walk in Ireland
1848 Chapman, then age 45, took
three months to walk through Ireland visiting the assemblies and preaching the
Robert Chapman's Coworkers
Elizabeth ("Bessie") Paget
Miss Bessie Paget met with
believers meeting outside the established Church of England. She had a
profound influence on Anthony Norris Groves and George Mueller, as well as
Robert Chapman. In the 1820's Elizabeth Paget raised up a church in the
village of Poltimore. By the 1830's she moved to Barnstaple, residing at #9
New Buildings St. There she opened her home and lead the Sunday School work.
Bessie also set up a soup kitchen for the poor at her home. Bessie Paget was
Chapman¡¦s constant helper until she passed away in 1863 aged 80. In life
sister Paget and Robert Chapman were co-laborers in the Lord¡¦s service; in
death they shared the same funeral plot and gravestone.
William Hake
George Mueller had a close
companion in his labor- Henry Craik. The Lord also provided a yoke-fellow for
Robert Chapman. William Hake was 7 years older than Chapman and had a large
family. Chapman was single. However, as Chapman wrote, "Our hearts were
presently knit together in the fellowship of the Spirit ... Each found in the
other a lover of the Scriptures, and bent upon obedience to the Lord without
reserve." Hake had a quick temper "but God¡¦s grace is all sufficing to subdue
what it forgives." For many years the Hake family resided in Exeter (40 miles
away in S Devon.) In the 1840's Hake moved to Bideford, only 10 miles from
Barnstaple. When Bessie Paget died, the Hakes moved into #9 New Buildings St.
They added a large dining room on the rear which became the regular location
of a Thursday evening District meeting. Because of the large number, believers
from various districts met by rotation for Bible study and fellowship.
Hake and Chapman systematically
visited the homes of Barnstaple, beginning at the southern edge and working
their way to the north side, distributing gospel tracts and visiting homes.
William Hake continued his visitation ministry until he was 95. The
towns-people referred to the two elderly brothers as "the patriarchs". They
must have presented a striking scene - two white-haired brothers: William
Hake, tall and slim; Robert Chapman, shorter and stocky, visiting the homes
from door to door to share the gospel and minister Christ!
William Hake died peacefully in
1890 at the age of 95. Robert Chapman was greatly grieved by his coworkers
death. He wrote: "Though so sorely bereaved, I am strengthened and guided to
carry on the service in which I once had my beloved yoke-fellow to bear
burdens with me. ¡¥The night is far spent, the day is at hand." He edited a
volume of Hake¡¦s letters and writings entitled: Seventy Years of Pilgrimage.
Robert Gribble
Robert Gribble was born into a
poor family and received a minimal education. He supported his family through
a drapery (cloth) business. He was awakened spiritually about 1815 and began
settling up Sunday Schools in villages around Barnstaple. After one year about
300 children were attending. Parents asked Gribble to speak to adults on
Sunday evenings. His ability increased and several house churches or cottage
meetings were raised up through his preaching. Robert Gribble¡¦s strategy of
gospel labor was to stay in a village for a period of time, preaching the
gospel and raising up the new believers, typically 20 to 100 and then moved
on. John Nelson Darby remarked to Wigram concerning Gribble: "How is it Wigram,
that although you and I preach the gospel more clearly than many, we see so
few results, yet they tell us, that in N. Devon, this Mr. Gribble in his
meetings, only repeats a few Gospel texts and makes a few simple remarks, and
souls are saved and assemblies formed." (Rowdon, p. 252-3)
Relationship with Hudson
In 1852 when 20-year old James
Hudson Taylor was burdened for China, he eagerly sought the advice of Robert
Chapman. Later Chapman encouraged him to start the China Inland Mission and
became one of its first "referees"- supporters and advisors. Hudson Taylor
visited Chapman several times in Barnstaple. One invitation reads : "My dear
brother Taylor. Consider our claim on you. We desire to fellowship with you in
your work. Oh! Come and speak to us your brethren here. Say when you can come.
" (Peterson, p. 159)
To a sister about to visit China
Chapman wrote: "I cannot but rejoice with you in your resolve to see
fellow-laborers in China. They all, with dear Brother Hudson Taylor, have been
ever in my heart at the throne of grace." He interceded daily for that work in
China until the end of his life.
George Mueller
One writer says: Chapman "was
one of George Mueller¡¦s oldest and most intimate friends. More than once, in
critical periods of this work [among orphans], Mr. Mueller sought and obtained
his valuable counsel." (Peterson, p. 163) George Mueller¡¦s published diary
masks the identity of individuals. However, it is likely that Chapman is
Brother ¡¥C----n¡¦ who spent more than 2 months at Bristol in late 1835 (Rowdon
p. 146)
Dealing with Division
Differences existed in the
practices and views of various Brethren assemblies. Assemblies in Barnstaple &
Bristol (where George Mueller ministered) had a recognized eldership
Assemblies in which Darby was influential did not have a formally identified
leadership. John N. Darby believed that God had rejected organized
denominations and began asserting that Christians should separate themselves
from such organizations. Chapman, Groves, Craik, Mueller and quite a few other
leaders did not share Darby¡¦s separatist views.
There were different views about
relationships among assemblies. Many assemblies, including most of those from
the original Dublin group believed that unity required a strong
interdependence. Chapman, Mueller and others held that no assembly or group of
assemblies should dictate the actions of any other. Each assembly was
responsible to Christ alone and could interact freely with any believer or
group that was sound on major doctrines.
The origin of the split in the
Plymouth assembly also lies in a clash of personalities and views (eg
concerning prophetic matters) between Darby and Benjamin Newton (the leader in
Brief Chronology of
Darby did not agree with the
situation of the Plymouth assembly under Newton¡¦s leadership. In 1845 Darby
announced his intention to start a second assembly in Plymouth. Chapman urged
Darby not to proceed with his plan. Darby refused Chapman¡¦s advice saying: "I
will go out and whoever will may follow me." Darby began a separate gathering
late in 1845. Now there was division in Plymouth.
In early 1846 Chapman sent a
circular letter to the assemblies calling for a day of prayer, confession and
repentance over the divisions occurring among the brethren. However, many of
the assemblies rejected the call and criticized Chapman for his proposal.
Later Darby became aware of
10-year old writings of Newton which could be interpreted as questioning the
sinless humanity of Christ. When the offending statements and their logical
implications were brought to Newton¡¦s attention, he recognized his errors and
withdrew them publically and in writing. Darby and his colleagues however,
believed that Newton¡¦s reversal was not genuine and influenced most of the
assemblies in South Devon to exclude the Newton assembly from their
fellowship. Darby had won. Newton left Plymouth at the end of 1847.
By April 1848 this controversy
had engulfed Bethesda Chapel in Bristol, where George Mueller served. A family
from the Newton assembly in Plymouth moved to Bristol. When they asserted that
they did not hold Newton¡¦s errors, they were accepted into fellowship in
George Mueller and the other
elders at Bethesda wrote explaining their reasons for accepting those from
Plymouth. However, Darby and his supporters rejected this explanation. At
Darby¡¦s urging, many assemblies throughout Britain excluded Bethesda (and any
assembly or individuals who supported their stand) from their fellowship. Thus
began the "Exclusive brethren". The brethren assemblies were divided between
the "Open" (including Mueller and Chapman¡¦s gatherings in N. Devon) and
"Exclusive" (lead by Darby).
A meeting of twelve influential
leaders among the brethren was convened at Bath. During this meeting Chapman,
challenging Darby, said "You should have waited longer before separating"
(referring to Darby¡¦s formation of a separate assembly in Plymouth in 1845).
"I waited six months" Darby replied. "But if it had been at Barnstaple, we
should have waited six years" Chapman responded.
Following the division, Darby¡¦s
followers criticized Chapman for being deficient in some basic doctrines.
Darby, however, defended Chapman: "You leave that man alone; he lives what I
teach." On another occasion Darby testified concerning Robert Chapman: "We
talk of the heavenlies, but Robert Chapman lives in them."
The divisions among the brethren
grieved Chapman. He referred to the "exclusive brethren" as "brethren dearly
beloved and longed for (Phil. 4:1)". They were "brethren whose consciences
lead them to refuse my fellowship and deprive me of theirs."
Later a leader in Barnstaple was
accused of teaching an unscriptural doctrine similar to that of Newton.
Chapman¡¦s written reply emphasizes the believer¡¦s responsibility to judge
himself rather than other brothers. Chapman wrote:
"Oh, that we, yea all saints,
might be moved each one to prove himself before God ... Our answer to your
enquiry is, first, that if anyone seeks our fellowship here after having
listened to such teaching, whether he come from one party or the other (we
hold both parties alike dear to us as our fellow-members in Christ our Head),
such an one must be judged according to the Word of God and the rule of
Christ. Cases differing should not be confounded. If anyone brings an evil
doctrine ... his welfare and his healing would be sought by brethren here ...
but to fellowship he would not be received ... Then as to the particular case
you mentioned, we have exercised godly jealousy and find that the evil
doctrine is not held by the brother you name ... May we and all saints cease
to grieve the Spirit of God ... Shall we not then have the joy of seeing the
self-judged flowing together from all quarters."
Chapman's Attitude
Concerning Serving the Lord
"The servant of the Lord Jesus
... seeing that he is to be continually ministering to others, he must be
receiving fresh supplies from the God of all grace through all channels.
Meditation on the Word and prayer should occupy the chief part of his time. "
(Peterson, p. 145)
Concerning the Believer¡¦s
"There are so many people who
are satisfied with just knowing they are saved. Tell them not to be satisfied
with this. I want them to study the word and grow in the knowledge of God.
Tell them I want them to become intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ."
Concerning Different
Understanding of Scriptural Matters -
The Example of the Rapture
Robert Chapman¡¦s biographer
writes: "Chapman, together with George Mueller and a small group of leaders
among the Brethren, did not believe that the Scriptures told of a secret
rapture of all believers before a period of great tribulation on earth.
They believed that the church as a whole must go through the period of
tribulation." (Peterson, p. 171)
William Hake, Chapman¡¦s
coworker, did not agree with Chapman¡¦s views. When Hake referred to the Lord¡¦s
coming at any moment to rapture all the believers, Chapman replied "Well,
brother Hake, I am ready, but it¡¦s not in the Bible." It is worth noting that
different understandings of the Scriptures did not hinder Hake and Chapman
from cooperating in the Lord¡¦s service.
One writer says that "Mr Chapman
firmly held there would be a selection and that he ... so sought to walk in
obedience to the whole revealed will of God that he might not shut himself out
of the honor of being one of these, and that he failed to see from other
Scriptures any promise held out to the whole of the people of God being
removed from the earth at the Lord¡¦s coming." (Peterson p. 171) Chapman
believed in the partial rapture of the Lord¡¦s people.
Other elders at Barnstaple held
and taught other views concerning the rapture. Robert Chapman valued harmony
among the believers in Barnstaple, above his own understanding of the
Scriptures. This is seen in the following incident: "In 1896 93-year-old
Chapman called a meeting of the elders. ¡¥I have called you together,¡¦ he said,
¡¥to explain that I shall not create dissension by teaching the opposite view
[concerning the rapture] in the Assembly." (Peterson p. 172)
Concerning Loving the
"On one occasion an excluded man
became bitter and vowed never to speak a word to Chapman again. Later the two
found themselves approaching one another on the street ... Chapman embraced
him and said, ¡¥Dear brother, God loves you, Christ loves you, and I love you.¡¦
This action broke the man¡¦s animosity; he repented and was soon breaking bread
at Bear St. Chapel." (Peterson p. 174)
Chapman¡¦s Goal - to Please
"My chief desire is to please
Him. If I please my brethren, I am glad. If I fail, I am not disappointed."
(Peterson, p. 189)¡@
A Hymn by R. C. Chapman
"No condemnation!" precious
Consider it, my soul!
Thy sins were all on Jesus laid,
His stripes have made thee
In God¡¦s own presence now for
The Savior doth appear;
The saints, as jewels on His
Jesus doth ever bear
"No condemnation!" O my soul,
¡¥Tis God that speaks the word;
Perfect in comeliness art thou
In Christ, the risen Lord.
Teach me, O God, to fix mine
On Christ, the spotless Lamb,
So shall I love Thy precious
And glorify His name.
Chief Men Among the
Brethren, by Pickering, Henry, Pub. Loizeaux Brothers Inc., Neptune, NJ
1986 (1st printing 1918)
Robert Chapman, A Biography,
Peterson, Robert L. Pub. Loizeaux Brothers Inc., Neptune, NJ 1995.
The Origins of the Brethren,.
By Rowden, Harold H., Pickering and Inglis, London, 1967
Anthony Norris Groves, by
Lang G. H. (2nd edition; London, The Paternoster Press, 1949)