





(副)耶穌我主,我救主,我將自己給你; 因你為我代死時,給的是你自己;

從此,我無別的主,我心是你寶座, 我的一生一世,基督,只要為你生活。










這首詩歌(《聖徒詩歌》306) 的作者是戚曉睦(Thomas O. Chisholm, 1866~ 1960),出生於美國肯塔基州一個貧瘠鄉間的小木屋。十六歲在他畢業的小學當老師,廿一歲出任當地新聞週刊 (The Franklin Favorite)的副編輯。三十六歲時由衛理 公會按立為牧師,只是他的身體日漸軟弱,無法勝任繁重的工作,一年後因健康欠佳而辭職。隨後他遷居印第安那州一湖畔農場休養。1916年遷到新澤西州,從事人壽保險經紀及寫詩。戚曉睦是一位很平凡的弟兄,教育程度不高,不過主非常的使用他。他一生共寫了一千兩百首,其中八百首已經配上音樂出版了。在他一千多首詩歌裡,另外還有二首非常有名的詩歌,「主,我願像祢」(O to be like Thee) 「祢信實何廣大」(Great Is Thy Faithfulness)。  

這首詩歌的作曲是陸敦(Harold C. Lowden, 1883~1963)。他先作了曲,他裡面有一種感覺,若要作一個傳福音的人,他必須先成為一個奉獻的人。所以經禱告求神指示後,1917請戚曉睦配詞。



  這首詩歌是根據羅馬書14:8「我們若活著,是為主而活。若死了,是為主而死。」。第一節告訴我們戚曉睦蒙神賜福的祕訣是「活著為耶穌,只望能單純。」這是他賣保險以後寫的詩歌。從前他事奉神,站在講台上證道,在教會裡服事神的兒女;但現在他身體軟弱,神不許可他那樣服事下去,他要生活,所以他去賣保險。那麼,他有甚麼感覺呢?他覺得活著為耶穌,為主站講台,是為主活著;服事神的兒女,探望弟兄姊妹,是為主活著;現在賣保險,也是為主活著。 這是一首很美麗的詩歌,也是筆者最心愛的詩歌之一。每當我在擘餅聚會唱這首時,常深受感動淚下。因唱起來給人有一種活著為耶穌,真是美好無比的感覺。副歌更是令人百唱不厭,優美的旋律,叫人非常單純的摸著主的愛,使人深感與主交通的親密。

Living For Jesus

1.      Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do;

Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me.

Refrain       O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,

For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me.

I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne.

My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.


2.      Living for Jesus Who died in my place, Bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace;

Such love constrains me to answer His call, Follow His leading and give Him my all.

3.      Living for Jesus, wherever I am, Doing each duty in His holy Name;

Willing to suffer affliction and loss, Deeming each trial a part of my cross.

4.      Living for Jesus through earth’s little while, My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;

Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem, Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.

Thomas O. Chisholm,


Words: Thom­as O. Chis­holm, 1917.

Chisholm was educated in a small country school, and be­came its teach­er at age 16. At age 21, he became associate editor of the weekly newspaper, The Frank­in Favor­te. In 1893, he became a Christian un­er the ministry of Dr. Henry Clay Morrison (future presi­dent of Asbury Col­lege, Wilmore, Kentucky). Chisholm moved to Louisville at the persuasion of Morrison and became editor of the Pentecostal Herald. He was ordained a Methodist minister in 1903 and served a brief pastorate at Scottsville, Kentucky. In poor health, he moved his family to a farm near Winona Lake, Indiana. He became an insurance salesman, moving to Vineland, New Jersey, in 1916. He retired in 1953 to the Methodist Home for the Aged in Ocean Grove, New Jer­sey. Chisholm wrote over 1200 poems, of which 800 were pub­lished, and ma­ny set to music.

Carl H. Lowden (1883-1963)


Music: “Lowden,” Carl H. Low­den, 1915 (MI­DI, score). Lowden originally wrote the music— to different words—for a Childen’s Day service. Two years latr, he came across the music in his files, and asked Chis­holm if he could write lyrics for it. The result has been translated into more than 15 languages.

