
 The Sands of Time A
re Sinking






「我們要歡喜快樂,將榮耀歸給他。因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了;新婦也自己預備好了。」(啟示錄 第十九章7節

The wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready。」Revelation 19:7

作者: 古霑安採用羅得福的詩  Anne Ross Cousin(1824-1906) from Samuel Rutherford(1600-1661)


The sands of time are sinking, the dawn of heaven breaks;



The summer morn I’ve sighed for—the fair, sweet morn awakes:


Dark, dark hath been the midnight, but dayspring is at hand,



And glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.




O Christ, He is the fountain, the deep, sweet well of love!



The streams of earth I’ve tasted more deep I’ll drink above:

那裏主愛直擴展,猶如海洋湧溢; There to an ocean fullness His mercy doth expand,
榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 And glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.





With mercy and with judgment my web of time He wove,



And aye, the dews of sorrow were lustered with His love;

領我手段何巧妙,祂計劃何純正; I’ll bless the hand that guided, I’ll bless the heart that planned
榮耀榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 When throned where glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.





O I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved’s mine!brow;



He brings a poor vile sinner into His “house of wine.”

那時,無他靠山,只靠救主功豐; I stand upon His merit—I know no other stand,
前來榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 Not even where glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.
新婦不看她衣裳,只看所愛新郎; The Bride eyes not her garment, but her dear Bridegroom’s face;
我也不看我榮耀,只是瞻仰我王。 I will not gaze at glory but on my King of grace.
不只祂賜的冠冕,只看祂手創傷; Not at the crown He giveth but on His pierced hand;
羔羊榮耀今充滿,以馬內利之境。 The Lamb is all the glory of Immanuel’s land.



這首詩歌又名「玉漏沙殘」(The Sands of Time Are Sinking)是十九世紀女詩人古霑安在1857年所作。 這首詩是根據十七世紀,基督徒殉道者羅得福的書信和臨終遺言而寫。 原詩共有十九節(請參考詩人与詩歌() ),今日聖徒詩歌(五三二首)乃採用其中五節。這首詩的曲調是一位法國的音樂家杜罕(Chretien Urhan, 1790-1845)所譜。

古霑安(Anne Ross Cousin, 1824-1906)一八二四年生於蘇格蘭美如斯(Melrose)。 她的父親大衛康斗(David Ross Cundell)是位醫生 。 她嫁給一位傳道人威廉可貞(William Cousin),他是蘇格蘭自由教會中頗被主使用的仆人。 古霑安有很高的詩歌才華,詩境有如在天。她的這首詩最遲當寫于一八五七年,那年,這詩發表在The Christian Treasury上。她一生共寫了一百六十首詩,一八七六年有人替她出版了她的詩集——Immanuel’s Land and Other Pieces。詩評者說,她的詩最适于聖徒唱頌或默想,而這詩集中最好的作品,當然就是作為詩集全 名的“以馬內利之境”了。它在所有的詩歌中,就像光輝熾烈的日頭,無論就詩的 境界、詩的感覺或文學技巧而言,都是佼佼者。所有在二十世紀出版的詩歌集,都選錄了這一首。

羅得福(Samuel Rutherford, 1600-1661),蘇格蘭人,是一位博學的傳道人,他堅守所信的道。1630年時,他因與當時的國教不能相容,在最高權力法庭受審,被解職放逐,他的著作也被焚燬。 羅得福被禁講道後,就以書信勉勵其教友和友人,一共寫了二百二十多封勸勉的書信,其中一信有句:「玉漏沙盡,應即把握時間,及時尋求你的主。」即本詩第一節的主題。 八年後,克倫威爾(Oliver Cromwell)執政,獨立教會獲宗教自由。 羅得福繼續領導反英國國教的運動。 1660年,英國王政復辟後,國會以叛國罪傳訊羅得福,但此時他已病重垂危,無法應訊。 臨終時,他說:「我即將去很少君王和顯要們能去的地方,願榮耀歸與我的創造主與救贖主。榮耀在以馬內利之地明亮照耀。」古霑安就將「在以馬內利樂境,滿榮耀光明。」作為每節詩的末句。


 「玉漏沙殘」的詩是羅得福 (Samuel Rutherford) 在一六二七年的安瓦斯(Anworth)開始牧會十年後,寫信給戈登(John Gordon)說:「我所敬慕親愛的兄弟:玉漏將盡,應即把握時間,及時尋求你的主。」這句話成為本詩第一節的主題。但卻是用他跟隨追求及愛主、愛弟兄及為主受苦的經歷所寫成的。這就是羔羊新婦的腳蹤吧!





















接著,他似乎在被提的狂喜中說:「我要照射榮耀!我要見到祂像祂一樣!我要見祂掌權,所有潔白眾軍都跟著祂,而我要享受我的一份!」他叫人反覆唸哥林多前書第一章三十節,說:「基督是我的一切的一切。」這就第二節所說:「哦!基督你是泉源,源深甘愛充滿。」他彌留最後的一句話是:「越過樂園,我就進入復活了;我所安息的港口,仍不過是祂寶血的赦免和救贖。榮耀、榮耀,今充滿在以馬內利之境。」   摘自司提反詩歌與生命經歷

Hymn Story

Anne Ross Cousin (1824-1906), the wife of a Presbyterian minister in London, was greatly interested in the life and death of Samuel Rutherford.  Cousin used Rutherford's last words to pen her poem "Glory Dwelleth in Immanuel's Land." The nineteen stanza poem was written in tract form and later (1857) reduced to the hymn we know as, "The Sands of Time are Sinking."

Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661), anative of Roxburghshire, he graduated from Edinburgh University to be appointed 'regent of humanity'. He was about twenty-seven years of age when converted to Christ. From 1627 to 1636 he was pastor of Anwoth parish among the soft green hills of Galloway overlooking the Solway Firth and the hills of Cumbria. Hence the allusions in the hymn. Because of his nonconformity to Episcopacy and his adherence to Calvinism against Arminianism he was deprived of his ministry for nine years and banished to Aberdeen, alluded to in the hymn as his "sea-beat prison". See Letters of Samuel Rutherford, with a Biographical Introduction by Andrew Bonar, pages 1-25, republished by The Banner of Truth Trust, 1984.

The following story has always intrigued, "There is a tradition that Archbishop Usher, passing through Galloway, turned aside on a Saturday to enjoy the congenial society of Rutherford. He came, however, in disguise; and being welcomed as a guest, took his place with the rest of the family when they were catechised, as was usual, that evening. The stranger was asked, 'How many commandments are there?' His reply was 'Eleven'.(footnote 1) The pastor corrected him; but the stranger maintained his position, quoting our Lord's words, 'A NEW COMMANDMENT I give to you, that you love one another." They retired to rest, all interested in the stranger. Sabbath morning dawned. Rutherford arose and repaired, as was his custom, for meditation to a walk that bordered on a thicket (footnote 2) , but was startled by hearing the voice of prayer - prayer too from the heart, and in behalf of the souls of the people that day to assemble. It was no other than the holy Archbishop Usher; and soon they came to an explanation, for Rutherford had begun to suspect he had 'entertained angels unawares.' With great mutual love they conversed together; and at the request of Rutherford, the Archbishop went up to the pulpit, conducted the usual service of the Presbyterian pastor, and preached on 'the New Commandment.'" Ibid. pages 9-11.

"It was at St. Andrew's Rutherford died, on 30th March 1661…..Had he lived a few weeks his might have been the cruel death endured by his friend James Guthrie, whom he had encouraged, by his letters, in steadfastness to the end. The sentence which the Parliament passed, when told that he was dying, did him no dishonour. When they had voted that he should not die in the College, Lord Burleigh rose and said, 'Ye cannot vote him out of heaven.'" Ibid. page 22. The last verse of the hymn is a clear allusion to this experience: "They've summoned me before them, but there I may not come, - my Lord says 'Come up hither,' my Lord says 'Welcome home!' my kingly King, at His white throne, my presence doth command," (before a Higher Court).

Footnote 1: In the parish church of Chisledon, North Wilts, there are to be seen Eleven Commandments inscribed on a slab (which is affixed to the chancel arch); the additional one consisting of our Saviour's precept - "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another" (John 13:34). The church dates back to 1641.

Footnote 2: The place is still pointed out by tradition, as "Rutherford's Walk", close to the old manse, which was pulled down long ago.


The poem in its completeness is many verses with personal references to elements of Samuel Rutherford's earthly pilgramage.

1.   The sands of time are sinking The dawn of heaven breaks, The summer morn I've sighed for The fair sweet morn awakes:

      Dark, dark has been the midnight, But dayspring is at hand, And glory-glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

2.   Oh! Well it is for ever Oh! Well for evermore - My nest hung in no forest Of all this death-doomed shore:

      Yea, let the vain world vanish, As from the ship the strand, While glory-glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

3.   There the Red Rose of Sharon Unfolds its heartsome bloom And fills the air of heaven With ravishing perfume:

      Oh! To behold its blossom, While by its fragrance fann'd  Where glory-glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

4.   The King there in His beauty, Without a veil is seen:It were a well spent journey,Though seven deaths lay between:

      The Lamb, with His fair army, Doth on Mount Zion stand, And glory-glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

5.    Oh! Christ He is the fountain,The deep sweet well of love! The streams on earth I've tasted, More deep I'll drink above:

      There, to an ocean fulness, His mercy doth expand, And glory-glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

6.      Oft in yon sea-beat prison My Lord and I held tryst, For Anwoth was not heaven, And preaching was not Christ;

      And aye, my murkiest storm-cloud Was by a rainbow spann'd, Caught from the glory dwelling In Immanuel's land.

7.      But that he built a Heaven Of His surpassing love, A little New Jerusalem, Like to the one above,

      "Lord take me o'er the water," Had been my loud demand, Take me to love's own country, Unto Immanuel's land.

8.   But flow'rs need night's cool darkness, The moonlight and the dew; So Christ, from one who loved it, His shining oft withdrew:-

      And then, for cause of absence My troubled soul I scann'd,But glory shadeless, shineth In Immanuel's land.

9.    The little birds of Anwoth, I used to count them blest, -Now, beside happier altars I go to build my nest:

      O'er these there broods no silence, No graves around them stand, For glory, deathless, dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

10.  Fair Anwoth, by the Solway, To me thou still art dear, E'en from the verge of heaven, I drop for thee a tear.

      Oh! If one from Anwoth Meet me at God's right hand, My Heaven will be two Heavens, In Immanuel's land.

11.  I've wrestled on towards heaven'Gainst storm, and wind and tide'Now like a weary traveller That leaneth on his Guide,

      Amid the shades of evening,While sinks life's lingering sand,I hail the glory dawningFrom Immanuel's land.

12.  Deep waters cross'd life's pathway,The hedge of thorns was sharp;Now, these lie all behind me -Oh! For a well tuned harp!

      Oh! to join HallelujahWith yon triumphant band,Who sing, where glory dwelleth,In Immanuel's land.

13.  With mercy and with judgmentMy web of time He wove,And aye, the dews of sorrowWere lustred with His love:-

      I'll bless the hand that guided, I'll bless the hand that plann'd When throned where glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

14.  Soon shall the cup of glory Wash down earth's bitt'rest woes,Soon shall the desert briarBreak into Eden's rose;

      The curse shall change to blessing -The Name on earth that's bann'd Be graven on white stone In Immanuel's land.

15.  Oh! I am my Beloved's, And my Beloved's mine! He brings a poor vile sinnerIn to His "house of wine":

      I stand upon His merit,I know no other stand,Not e'en where glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

16.  I shall sleep sound in Jesus,Fill'd with His likeness rise,To love and to adore Him,To see Him with these eyes:-

      Tween me and resurrection But Paradise doth stand;Then-then for glory dwelling In Immanuel's land.

17.  The bride eyes not her garment,But her dear bridegroom's face,I will not gaze at glory,But on my King of Grace -

      Not at the crown He giveth, But on His pierced hand; The Lamb is all the glory Of Immanuel's land.

18.  I have borne scorn and hatred,I have borne wrong and shame, Earth's proud ones have reproach'd me For Christ's thrice-blessed name:

      Where God His seal set fairest They've stampt their foulest brand, But judgment shines like noonday In Immanuel's land.

19.  They've summoned me before them, But there I may not come, -My Lord says "Come up hither", My Lord says "Welcome home!"

        My kingly King, at His white throne, My presence doth command, Where glory-glory dwelleth  In Immanuel's land.
